Foundation Repair Services of Norwood, Massachusetts

Norwood, Massachusetts is found in Norfolk County and is located along the Neponset River.This town has a population of around 28,000.Keeping the foundations of these homes sturdy are what Atlas Systems of New England prides itself with.

We have served the Norwood, MA area for a number of years and know the foundation problems with homes and buildings in the area. No matter if your foundation is settling or if you have wall cracked we have the right solutions to fix your problems.

We have a number of helical and resistance piers to counter the effects that erosion, water, and other causes.

There are Many Reasons Why Your Norwood Foundation May Need Repair Services


This is from the hot and dry conditions the area sometimes faces.


Tree roots dehydrate the solid beneath the home causing foundation settling

Plumbing Leaks

A simple leak can cause big problems when it causes your building to sink


Improper interior and exterior drainage can lead to excess moisture