Your Top Choice for Helical Pier Installation in New England
In New England, helical piers serve the dual purpose of supporting current structures and establishing the foundation for new ones. These piers prove their worth in construction projects by acting as strong footers in compression scenarios or holding up a foundation or retaining walls in tension.
Think of helical piers as large screws driven deep into the ground with a hydraulic motor attached to a backhoe or skid steer, providing an efficient and effective foundation solution. When it comes to helical pier installation or any other helical pier services in New England, trust Atlas Systems of New England to deliver.
Helical Piles
Helical piles are a crucial element in deep foundation support, with the ability to withstand loads in any direction - down (compression), up (tension), or side (lateral). They consist of three main components and their performance is gauged by the torque applied through a hydraulic motor during installation. This system is ideal for foundation piering, offering stable support for every building.
Starter Section
Comprising of at least one bearing plate to transfer the loads to the bearing stratum from the surface.
Comprising of a steel central shaft transmitting the torque to the bearing stratum.
Comprising of the interface between the structure and the helical pier.

Helical Piers for New Construction Projects
The advantages of Helical Piles for New Construction include:
- Vibration free installation
- No spoils
- Very rapid mobilizations
- Quick rate of installation
- Predictable load capacities
- Field verified quality assurance with torque testing
- Low overhead requirements