Professional Structural Engineering Design Services in New England

For the safety and stability of your structure, you require a team of professionals who specialize in structural engineering design services. At Atlas Systems of New England, our experienced engineers provide detailed and comprehensive engineering services throughout the New England area.

We realize that precise engineering design is critical for success, which is why our cornerstones are precision and reliability. Our team employs state-of-the-art technology to ensure that your project is completed with excellence, whether it's for structural integrity or environmental sustainability. With our foundation repair services, you can rest assured that your structure is in good hands from the bottom up.

man and machine

Our Approach to Structural Engineering

Site Evaluation

The first step in our engineering design process is conducting a thorough site evaluation. Our team of experts will assess the condition of your foundation, taking into account factors such as soil composition, moisture levels, and any visible signs of damage. This evaluation will provide us with valuable insights necessary to develop an effective repair plan.

Customized Design

Based on our site evaluation findings, we will develop a customized engineering design for your foundation repair. Our team will consider various factors such as the load-bearing capacity of the soil, the nature of the foundation issue, and any specific requirements unique to your property. This personalized approach ensures that our repair solutions are tailored to your specific needs and will deliver long-lasting results.

Innovative Techniques

Our structural engineers stay up-to-date with the latest industry trends, allowing us to utilize innovative methods that are efficient, cost-effective, and minimize disruption to your property.

Quality Materials

We believe in using only the highest quality materials for our foundation repair systems. This is why we use Earth Contact Produces to ensure the durability and longevity of the repairs, giving you

Compliance with Regulations

Our engineering design for foundation repair adheres to all local building codes and regulations. We take pride in our commitment to safety and compliance in all our projects.

adding pier to foundation

Get In Touch for A Structural Engineering Consultation

If you are facing foundation-related issues, it's essential to have a team of experts by your side. Atlas Systems of New England is a professional engineering firm specialized in structural engineering and can offer you top-quality engineering design services for your project. Our team can help you with various structural problems, including foundation repairs. 

Don't wait any longer, call us today and schedule your consultation. We will work closely with you to develop a custom solution that meets your specific needs and provides you with the best possible results for your project.

Have Peace Of Mind With Our Expert Structural Engineers

Contact Atlas Systems of New England today for superior results at competitive prices.